1. Crystal Rose Ricky Dillard & New G Take me back
2.Gospocentric New Direction I'm going to wave my hand
3. Tyscot Deandre Patteerson Hallelujah, We give you glory
4. EMI Israel and New Breed Rejoice
5. Blackberry Neal Roberson- Don't let the Devil Ride
6 Blackberry Williams Brothers I'm still here
7. EMI Smokie Norful I need you now
8.Malaco Dorthy Norwood Praise in the Temple
9.Verity Seven Sons of Soul Run On
10.EMI Mary Mary Dance Dance Dance
11IND Rizen The City
12.Verity Tonex Since Jesus Came
13.IND Straight Gate I'll Praise
14.IND Michelle Williams Purpose in the Storm
15.JDI Minister Timothy Britten Nobody can do me like jesus